10-15-20, Easy Reader
Dear ER:
Investing public assets in a risky for-profit business is poor public policy. Yet, the Beach Cities Health District (BCHD) seems determined to do just that, in its ravenous hunger for revenues. The cities (Manhattan, Hermosa, Redondo) that BCHD supposedly serves must “tighten their belts” to fund essential services. Meanwhile, BCHD runs a surplus and spends wantonly on consultants and self-promotion. BCHD is not a business. The private sector is perfectly able, on its own, to “address the growing need for assisted living.” The market BCHD has targeted – seniors who can afford $12,000 per month – does not need government subsidy. Public comments (disregarded by BCHD) overwhelmingly oppose this wealthy living campus, that primarily benefits private investors. Keep private hands out of the government cookie jar. Public land and tax revenues have better uses. In the current BCHD board elections, please endorse transparency and accountability – vote for none of the incumbents, all of the newcomers.
Michael Martin
Redondo Beach