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Against Overdevelopment

Unhealthy Healthy Campus

Dear ER:

Letter writer Vijay Jeste wrote in support of the current Healthy Living Campus building plan proposed by the Board of Directors of the Beach Cities Health District (‘Yes, Build It’, ER Letters Dec. 5, 2019). The writer mentions the inconvenience of occasional teardowns and construction of single family homes in the Beach Cities as a comparison with the Healthy Living Campus development, a 15 year project. The BCHD campus is located near the top of a hill. Prevailing wind is from the ocean. Residents and a school in the city of Torrance east of the campus will receive most of the unhealthy air resulting from demolition, excavation, construction, and vehicular movement. The Towers Elementary School playground is located 450 feet downwind of the BCHD buildings proposed for demolishment. Students spending time outdoors in the schoolyard could be subject to a lot of unhealthy air and be at risk of health problems.  The writer mentions increasing numbers of plus 65 seniors in the three Beach Cities. Few of those seniors will likely be able or willing to pay as much as $9,000 monthly at the Healthy Living Campus senior housing. The Healthy Living Campus development will cause problems for nearby residents and students, few of whom will ever be able to benefit much from it.

Robert London

Redondo Beach

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